Running workouts


You’ve landed on this page either because you’re new to 5 Speed Running or you’ve missed us terribly and have come back to visit. Whichever the case may be, thanks for dropping by!

Before you start signing up and paying for anything, we like to take things a little slowly to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. After all, not everybody is a fan of feeling better, losing weight, relieving stress, getting fit, staying fit, running faster or just plain enjoying running to its fullest.

So take a look at how we do things at 5 Speed Running and see if this could possibly be a fit. And if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’ll be here.   Coach Ken Rickerman

Guess what! Last night I did the 800 meter runs and I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to run 4 laps in 4:30 min. However, I ran them in 3:50! I wasn 9;t meaning to run them faster, I was just running at a steady, comfortable pace. When I first started training with you I was running BARELY 10 minute miles. My speed has improved by almost 2 minutes per mile! I didn’t know I was starting to GET SO RAD. 🙂


We don’t like to pigeon-hole anyone and our training plans actually have 10 different levels to them and our personal training is the most precise training you can find to build on your personal strengths and shore up your areas of improvement.

What all that means is that we have successfully trained all levels of runners from beginners to elite. We love them all. Each of our runner’s goal is as much of a challenge to us as it is to them. Whoever we train. We’re in it together.


It’s crazy how much information is out in the world today with online blogs and articles supplementing all the printed material. A lot of times definitions get mixed and source language gets repurposed so many times, the information starts contradicting itself and runners get confused.

All of our training is broken into only 3 distinct categories:

  1. Energy – Basically the workouts that you do and what we are trying to accomplish and why.
  2. Skill – Running is a movement skill and we are experts in biomechanics and neuromuscular training, i.e. how your body moves more efficiently and how your muscles work together.
  3. Missing Links – This is all the supplemental work that links the building blocks together. They are missing because many runners simply neglect them. We work to educate and give simple and easy ways to implement these critical components to help your running. Examples of missing link training are strength, flexibility, core, mindset.


We train runners online with multiple training platforms with cutting edge tools that make training motivating, accountable, purposeful, and collaborative with your coach or other runners on your team or similar events.


If you’re in the Los Angeles area, we also have our San Fernando Valley Running Groups that consist of group track work, trail runs, tempo runs, and long runs.


You can also go solo if you like and meet up with a personal one on one focus session.

Also keep an eye out for special Running Tune-up workshops at Eventbrite.


We are training to run…

Training to run for a race, training to run for a cause, training to run for joy, training to run for your life, training to run to stay fit, training to run to relieve stress, training to run to lose weight, training to run with a team, training to run for gold, training to run…well you get it.

Whatever the reason you run,  our aim is to help you run better. We want you to enjoy running more, become a life-long runner, truly feel what it feels like when you’re running with more ease and freedom.  To help you setback the biological clock…or at least hold it off as best you can.

We’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to train runners from every state and many countries.  We hope to be able to meet many more of you online or in person to share in your running life and help you in your quest of training to run for (your turn to fill in the blank).


We have two ways for you to get started. The FREE TRACK and the BONUS TRACK. Both ways are actually free, but with one you get a little more bang for your free buck. FREE TRACK: Perfect for runners who are just starting to get up and running or are restarting their running after a hiatus – short or long. With the free track you get subscribed to our newsletter where you’ll get training sent to you every week that you can explore and consume at your own pace. When you’re ready to take a little more in and start setting some goals and getting the most out of your running, you’ll have lots of opportunities to try some samples of our tried and true running training method. BONUS TRACK: Perfect for runners who have already tried a lot of the other free (or even paid) trainings online or from magazines with little or short-term success. Runners who have a solid goal in mind, either a race or personal health and fitness goal but need help and support to get from point A to B. These are the runners who may even be a little cynical and are looking to stop looking for help and start putting their energy into their running. Well stop now. We can help. We will help. You’ll get the same newsletter as the Free Track but you’ll be one of the runners that are actually asking the questions that the newsletter tips, articles and podcasts are built on. In fact, as soon as you click the BONUS TRACK link below, you’ll be taken to a survey where you can let us know exactly what you want and need and we’ll get busy answering your specific questions and working through your individual situation. From there, you’ll get a free consultation with Coach Rickerman where he will answer your questions and you can share more about your running goal and Coach will give you free advice and also some paid options to get your to your goal. If it makes sense, you can take the next step and join the 5 Speed Running Club. If not, you can keep getting the newsletter and we’ll continue to work to win your trust through all of our free training. The choice is yours. Whichever it is. We appreciate you and your running!
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