Running workouts

Running is a joy.
Running is also a chore.

Do you struggle to pace your run without getting physically and mentally exhausted?

You never set out to have a bad run, do you?

But invariably it happens. You start off fine but the exhaustion quickly gushes in. And it’s no secret why this happens. We all lead busy lives and our energy is taken up by our work, family, and the day to day stresses and ordeals we all have to deal with. What’s great about running workouts is they can break through all that stress and give you even more energy. Energy that carries over to you having a higher quality life.

And yet you rarely feel that way on most runs

You know what those great running days and running workouts feel like: you feel energized—like you could go on forever. You don’t dread going all the way to the turnaround point. You have no worries about not completing this run. You know it won’t be a problem. You feel strong, feet strike firmly and quickly on and off the ground. you’re light on your feet. You’re running tall. Breathing is even and steady, if the breathing ever gets a little labored, your body stays strong and doesn’t fade and the breathing soon settles back down as it knows your body has this run in the bag. The farther you go when you’re energized the more the energy seems to build. it takes a little more work to keep the pace, but it’s work that you welcome.

What if every run could feel that way?

Purposeful Training

Get the most out of your running with purposeful training. When you train properly, not only do you get faster, but the process becomes easier, your mood better, and, ultimately, you feel great.

Fresh Training Program

5 Speed Running will put together a program that keeps training fresh & spontaneous while addressing your specific needs.

Future Goals

The proven 5 Speed Method takes the worry out of your training and provides workouts calibrated to your past achievements, current fitness level, and future goals.

And here’s why you need to run with a purpose

Haphazard training will not improve your fitness and can even cause you more harm than good. If you overtrain one energy system over another or don’t train in the right sequence, then exhaustion has no option but to set in. It’s normal to feel tired on runs, but when you struggle to complete runs or quit on a scheduled run, then you are not training properly and burnout is inevitable.

Hitting the Wall

Many times when we are training, we do not run at the correct pace relative to our current ability. When you train relative to your current ability or slightly ahead of your current ability you are practicing progressive improvement, where your body breaks down enough to rebuild again. When you don’t train properly, your body breaks down too quickly and you don’t get enough recovery. This cycle continues and the more you run, the more exhausted you become.

There's always the danger of google's "I'm feeling lucky" search

Many runners try free training plans off the internet. These plans usually end badly as the runner starts falling behind in the first few weeks. This leads to a failure mentality because they are not keeping up with the plan.They then start reading lots of info on blogs and magazines. The general information doesn’t help and actually confuses them more as the articles tend to contradict each other, leaving the runner less confident than when they started. Other runners join a club where they meet with a coach and group twice a week, which is great – but again, they still need to supplement with an overall plan…and purpose.

Don’t just train, learn!

The 5 Speed Running Method takes you step by step from initial evaluation to goals to plan to tracking to feedback to progress.
You learn as you train which is what leads to a healthy life long runner.

Your First Step to Better Running

Get the right pace for you with our Pace to Race Workout Calculator More than just a running calculator, this tool delivers actual workouts that you can print and keep as a guide to improving your running. It also shows your potential finish times for various race distance, helping you not go out too fast or too slow. Oh, and of course, this running calculator will give you the correct paces to train for endurance, stamina, threshold, strength, and speed. It’s yours free right here.

Get Our Pace Confidence Calculator

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